Marum German institute selected to access EMSO-Nice cabled observatory

Instruments that will be connected by Marum German Institute on the Nice observatory in the framework of EMSO-Link TNA: seismo-piezometer rod (left), Radon probe (right) and CTD (not sketched). Source: A. Kopf, Marum

Marum’s application was validated on November 27, 2018, by an expert panel: the German institute will connect several instruments on the EMSO-Nice cabled observatory, proposed for Transnational Access (TNA) to European research or industrial teams in the framework of EMSO-Link project.

Marum will install a prototype of seismo-piezometer rod developed within the MODAL project. This instrument will simultaneously measure the ground accelerations of seismic waves produced by an earthquake and in situ fluid pore pressure. A Radon probe and a CTD (conductivity/temperature measurement) will also be deployed to detect fresh water seeps as a means to complete the multiparameter study of the factors suspected to contribute to sediment instability off the Nice airport.

Deployment is scheduled on August 2019 from R/V Europe, in close collaboration with Ifremer marine technology and geosciences units. The instruments will be deployed during at least one year.

Access costs are supported by the European Union

More information

·         EMSO-Nice observatory :

·         EMSO-Link Transnational access :

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